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Marsha Taylor


While it can be quite an undertaking to master the elements of running a business, especially one that offers services ranging from administrative assistance and business consulting to media coaching and event planning; Marsha Taylor not only understands them, she has lived them. From the stage to the boardroom, she made it her business to experience just about any and every thing she was interested in; making her hidden agendas first hand realities.  


When Marsha rounded up twenty-five young girls in her neighborhood and formed The Timpson Place Dance Company, at the age of 12, everyone realized that this young lady was a natural leader. A boss-in-the-making, she directed those in her community to help with promotion, marketing, ticket sales, costumes, and several productions.  “I guess the entrepreneurial spirit in me started early. I’m from Harlem, what can I say?”  Armed with a creative mind, superior organizational skills, plenty of ambition, and fierce determination; it wouldn’t be long before she began to make her mark in business. Throughout the years, whether developing, assisting, coordinating, or volunteering, Marsha Taylor continued to thrive by embodying the same focus, energy, and execution of that twelve year old girl. Read Full Bio



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